“happythankyoumoreplease” film review

I really wanted to write this review right after I saw it. I saw a trailer months ago and was excited to see it because I’m a fan of Ted from How I Met Your Mother and I support pretty much anything any member of the cast does. So upon hearing Josh Radnor wrote, directed and starred in this film, I had to see it. So I called up my film buddy and we went to the city to check it out.

I was delighted to see a movie that felt fresh and original even if it had elements of “oh, I know where this is going” to is. Although, to be honest, I don’t think I really thought about that because I was entranced in the story, which is a good thing. Even if I could predict the next move, I think I still would’ve been happy.

For the sake of names, we’re going to call the main character “Ted” even though in this film his name is Sam. Ted is a struggling writer but befriends and takes in a little orphan boy. Already, this movie gave me a curve ball I wasn’t expecting but I was going along with it. It’s not like he tried to find the boy help, but he had a heart and felt compassion and brought him along with him. He found the boy to be somewhat of a muse as well as helping him meet a girl named Mississippi. Ted also has a female friend who is contemplating a relationship with Tony Hale, better known as Buster from Arrested Development. Actually, she does the best she can to ignore it. But it’s from her lips to his ears do we get the meaning of the title: to constantly say “Thank you, more please” to life, the universe and everything. Kinda like a mantra.

There’s also another couple, and they are struggling with life changing decisions. All of these people are friends or are connected to each other in one way or another. Not quite the twisty wed like Love, Actually, but maybe a simpler version of late 20, early 30-somethings trying to figure out life. And for me, that’s what made this film relatable. Not that I was lost or hopeless, but it gave me hope and a new mantra.

It’s considered an indie flick, so you probably will have a hard time catching it in a theater. But if you can find it, check it out. And the DVD is worth owning because it’s really a great story. It has an ending I liked. It was one of those ambiguous endings which just felt right. I, as a viewer, don’t need everything wrapped nicely with a bow. Besides, the movie won me over so I was probably going to like how it was going to end regardless. And lastly, the other reason I liked it is because of the rule of threes. Unfortunately, explaining that would spoil it. So ask me after you see it if you don’t already know what I mean.

This movie is rated R mostly for language. And the language part is partially used for comedic effect. Every time Ted swears, he turns to his little companion and immediately tells him not to swear. But it feels very real, so the language is gratuitous, so it’s not distracting. Other than that, it’s a great movie to watch with friends, loved ones, by your self, with the dog, your mature children… just watch it. It’s one of those feel goodery flicks.

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